dimanche 8 mai 2016

08/05 Update

I figured out i didn't wrote my cultural article so there it is, a bit late but better late than never!
About the sociocultural activities:
First of all you have to know that class/work days here end really early (14h30-16h) so you have a lot of spare time to do some activities, danish students like staying at the school after class, there is even a friday-bar opened with music bands from the school performing. They do a lot of sport, especially in fitness clubs (there are plenty of ).
Some teacher told us they have a boat and they spend the week-end navigating on the sea.
Oh and i have to tell you about their libraries, it's nothing like in france, first of all there are self-service computers, you can borrow books, dvds, music cd and even VIDEO GAMES! They have a "gaming zone" where you can play with the last game consoles and gaming-dedicated computers! A lot of young peoples come here to play together and it works really well.

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