jeudi 14 avril 2016

hey guys today i'll talk about Danish economic model.
First of all the life cost is quite expensive i mean about 3 euros for crisp or candy or 50 euros for 30 days bus card its kinda expensive.
But its easy to understand when you know that the average salary is around 2000 euros. One thing that surprise me is that student at university can earn aroud 1000 euros per month just by studying and going to school. I ask a student about danish economy and he told me that danish people earn lot of money compare to France but they have a different life style for example they borrows lot of money and they live beyond their means.
Another thing Danish people pay a lot of taxes (between  50 and 60 %) but in return public srvice are really amazing. Most of the health service are free , most of the studies are free , pre-retirement are common and it is used to avoid unemployment. And retirees still earn a lot of money.
I notice that Danish people don't buy expensive car, they prefer long car more practical.
Even if this model look amazing i'm not convince that every country can apply it. In fact i think this model works because there is not a lot of people in this country around 5.5 millions to compare paris is like 2.2 millions so its like 2 paris but for a country !
And the major part is that Danish people are very honnest for example half of the bike on the street are without security same for supermarket in France this is not possible.
that was what i learn from Danish economy i hope you enjoy it and see you later guys !

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