jeudi 21 janvier 2016

Hi, I'm Matthias, and I'll be one of the chosen to be in Aalborg for the winter split.
In Danemark, we'll look for the local culture in general. We don't want to study especially one aspect of the Danish culture.
We don't want to miss  " The Little Mermaid" in copenhagen , and Christiania , a famous village inside Copenhagen
We are planning to visit other country like Sweden which is near Danemark.
We think it will be interresting to meet other people and learn a lot from them.
 Well i'll let you here guys i have to find an appartment cya !

Simon's Preparations

, here we are, 1 week before the departure!
I bought my plane tickets, I'm already stressing but it will be fine (i hope).
My flat is 30 minutes away from UCN by bike but Anne (the landlord) said it wouldn't be possible to use a bike during february because of the snow so i'll take the bus.
I bought a Gopro to film and take pictures of the landscape, maybe i'll do a vlog to express my opinions about this trip, to make you feel the cultural shocks. Let's hope i wont be too lazy haha.

mercredi 20 janvier 2016

Thibaut's preparations

Hey guys Thibaut here just wanted to tell you that i'm ready to go , i've my check list complete :

passport : okay
plane ticket : okay
appartement : okay
schedule of the UCN : okay

Now will schedule some travel to Copenhagen or Sweden it depend a bit of the programm of the UCN and people that we will meet .

Now we have our final exam tomorrow and i'll be completly involved into the travel.

See you soon guys !

dimanche 10 janvier 2016

Blog presentation

Here stand the first article of this blog, me (Simon), Thibaut and Matthias will talk about our school trip to Aalborg, I hope everything will be fine, anyway, have fun reading this!